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    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments


    Posts : 40
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    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments Empty How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments

    Post  Comments Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:57 pm

    Hello Smile
    Today I will be sharing/showing you the community of GREfant how to create an intro in cinema 4D! I hope this will help some of you
    that are in need of intro's 😉 . Some of you may already know this,
    but i'm sure it will answer the few questions some of you may have.

    First of you will need the following:
    Cinema 4D
    A computer (Of coarse?!)

    So to start off you will need a flat surface/ground, to do this you will need
    to go up to the top and select this:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments 4ecb257977700766a2cf646badac59f8

    It is a little 3D cube underneath the 'Mograph' and 'Hair', once again found at the top of the page. Click and hold for about a second or so, options should show up such as,
    'Cube','Polygon','Capsule','Tube','Sphere','Plane, etc. Once these have showed up, select
    the plane object option. After doing so this should show up:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments 441753c74aa20ecc3d14f9e8a8bffcf9

    After you have gotten this outcome go to the mid-bottom right or so and it should say
    'Object Properties', right under this caption there should be these options:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments Fa148cd896eac5d826ba39b7481e8eb2

    After you see this click on Width and hold down 9, there should be a whole lot of nines
    there 😉 Thats a good thing, then go down one and do the same for height, then out click. It should turn in to a bunch of 0's but your on screen result should be this:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments 5831b86fafaf202d18214759b1148cd8

    Now you should be ready for your text, to select this either go to the top and select/click and hold for about a second or so, and scroll down to 'Text Object'.
    If you select this, here is your on screen outcome:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments 6a08cffccaef2022e5e7a6e498e7b3fb

    You can edit this however you want by going to the mid-right corner of your screen and go to were it says 'Text' simply click this and edit it to however or whatever text you would like such as your you tube username? Or really whatever you want once again you can type literally anything. there is also a second option for creating a text, to do so go to the top and click and hold this object:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments 2177eb23b5e16d6e884393002671e384

    Once done so scroll to wear it says text, it should come out as this:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments Afe9dd7d343e2a061a218f27eff12f10
    to make this 3D simply click and hold on this object
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments 2a25ad7357c7bc20eb379a72f5940898
    Once done you should get a few options, click on 'Extrude NURBS'.
    So on the right here is your list of objects:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments 4fc73d15fcfd2b0d2b99ac1659f70ff1
    Take the text object (In the list on the right!) And drag it into the
    'Extrude NURBS' object, the outcome should be this:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments Ac65820ec66e535ecbeff43e5d24a4f2
    And your on screen outcome should be this:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments B89978f54d148efe509e00537aab9bfe
    (Optional Step!) To add an object like a cube go to the top and click
    and hold the blue 3D cube (Where you have selected the 'Plain' object
    in the beginning!), and select 'Cube', to drag this cube or place it in another
    position simply use the green, blue, and red arrow to place it in where you would
    prefer it.once you have placed it where you want it should be some where on the screen,
    this is where I have pushed mine:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments Ee73cc7ad9e686de218f4b7669c1d2fc
    I have put it right behind my text, (Floating).
    Now to add a light somewhere in your intro, click and hold this object (Found at the top):
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments A4d0d982e6b7ac91db80ae354710bb7a
    The first option should be 'Light' You can place this anywhere once again by using the
    red, blue, and green arrows. This is where I have placed mine:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments 83e8258e291cbf350637195941a90b73

    All these steps are optional but, this is where your intro really kicks in.
    you can create key frames or camera shots. To select this go to the bottom
    of the mini screen and click this:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments 956ae791ce0b1d4aba7d446ccd48d1ce
    This should create and drag your camera any where on the screen by click on one of these:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments A40834fb1a21d01f63ba656cbc1bc29d
    When you want the camera to glide across the screen simply click a key frame move your camera to you preferred area of view, and select the key frame again. When played it
    should move the camera around to where you have select you key frame spots.

    Once you have finished all of these steps go to the top and click this:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments C8638ad1a5970d490d89fae4d94e13fe
    Many options should result but find where it says "Output' and change the resolution
    to 280. Then where it says From and to, In the from option put 0, and in the to option
    put how many frames are listed at the end of your timeline. after completed go to 'save, go to the middle where it says 'format'.
    Click on this and select, 'Quick Time Movie'. Then select 'Options...'.
    This should pop up:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments 11c82acd6d3c435926bd8e38b46b06b4
    after this has popped up select the 'Compression Type' setting and change it to MPEG4 Movie. Then hit OK, after completed go to path, and click on the button next to the bar that says ... then select where you would like to save it, so after all these steps are
    completed you are ready to render! simply click this:
    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments 1d82f463c98533985af3cdf156162a9b
    Then simply wait for your frames to be rendered! Done! (well, except if you want to upload it to you tube.)

    Here is a video For every one that doesn't understand the word tutorial:

    Demo Cinema 4D:
    (Prime paid version)Regular Cinema 4D:
    Free Cinema 4D:

    Last edited by Comments on Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Most Valued Contributer
    Most Valued Contributer

    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2011-06-01
    Age : 27
    Location : Bakersfield,CA

    How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments Empty Re: How to make a Simple intro in C4D | Comments

    Post  Dilemma Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:33 am

    Nice TuT bro Cool Keep it up Comments

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