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    Purchase Gold Here

    Trusted: Gold Purchase
    Trusted: Gold Purchase

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2011-06-01

    Purchase Gold Here Empty Purchase Gold Here

    Post  Gold Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:24 pm

    Here you may Purchase a gold membership.
    This topic is the only and OFFICIAL place you will be able to purchase it. Any other topic that you may see as of the same will be closed and

    You may buy gold for the following memberships:

    2.00 $ - 1 Month
    3.00 $ - 3 Month/s
    5.00 $ - Year

    After you decide the membership you want , Send the required amount to the following pay pal address:


    Purchase Gold Here Paypal-buy-now-button

    After you have sent the money Private message 'Comments
    with what membership you want. After that staff will check the pay pal.
    If secured you will then get the following Features of the gold membership:

    -Colored Username
    -Gold Member Badge
    -Extra Forums
    -Extra Chat Box Privileges
    -Extra Downloads
    -& And Much More!

    Thanks for your interest in gold membership!
    , The staff team .

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 06, 2024 1:12 pm